Instrumentation can be booked by sending an email to specifying: user name, type of experiment, instrument, required time, date and starting time of the experiment, name of the research funds holder.
Instrumentation can be used only if assisted by CRIST staff and after a specific training on the use of the instrumentation.
Training courses are holded by CRIST staff and are carried out as indicated in CRIST web site (
Instrumentation use must be reported in the specific labook by filling all the requested fields.
CRIST is not responsible in any way for the integrity of the samples analyzed. Acquired data are temporary stored on lab's PC, users have to save to save and backup their data personally. If hard disk or USB pendrives are used, they should be free of virus.
Authorized users are not allowed to alterate instruments security systems in any way.
Users who highlight malfunctions or anomalies during the measurements must immediately report them to CRIST staff.
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